Mohsen Mirmotahari |
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About IDC
The Industrial Design Centre (IDC) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay) is a leading academic institution that offers programs in Industrial Design, Visual Communication, Interaction Design, Animation, and Mobility & Vehicle Design. With a unique blend of pedagogic experimentation and pragmatic design approach, IDC fosters hard-core problem solving with design research to continuously revitalize its academic programs. IDC faculty, students, and research and design staff collaborate on research in various areas, while also providing professional design consultancy and advisory services to industries and organizations. IDC also organizes seminars, short term courses, and workshops to promote and raise awareness of design among industries and institutions.
Map Design
The IDC department encompasses various dedicated sectors, including workshops, a library, classrooms, an auditorium, studios, professor rooms, conference rooms, and more. With daily visitors to the department for various reasons, such as conferences, our objective was to provide an overview of IDC and present the locations of the different rooms and people working within the department to those who are not familiar. Our map design incorporates color coding to clearly distinguish each particular section, such as the workshops, among others.