Film Noir
Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas. Hollywood's classic film noir period is generally regarded as extending from the early 1940s to the late 1950s. Film noir of this era is associated with a low-key black-and-white visual style that has roots in German Expressionist cinematography.
The term film noir, French for "black film", first applied to Hollywood films by French critic Nino Frank in 1946, was unrecognized by most American film industry professionals of that era.
About Magazine
Magazine number 4, published in June 2014 by "Gholhak Cinematheque". This series of magazine includes 30 articles, which describe film noir, technic in film noir and the films which made by noir technic.
Peyman Haghani, Hamidreza Kashani
Head Of Editor
Saeed Rahimi
Shiva Safari, Sahand Elhami, Mohamadreza Baradari, Mehran Bahram Farsi, Farnaz Rabie, Shahram Zafaranlo, Saeed Saligheh, Mojgan Shabani, Mehrnaz Atae, Milad Ghazalo, Somayeh Karami, Behzad Lotfi, Arash Maleki.
Text Editor
Somayeh Karami
Layout/Magazine Cover
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